About Spandan

Safety Statement

This statement sets out the health & safety policy of SPANDAN ENTERPRISES PVT. LTD and the means through which that policy is to be implemented. Our objective is to provide a safe and healthy place of work for all staff members and to meet all our duties and obligations to our clients.

It is Spandan' s intention to protect our employees from accident or ill health at Work. The company will seek to ensure that all our equipment and systems do not constitute a risk to the Health & Safety of our employees and we will consult with employees on risk improvements.

Our Approach To Health & Safety As Far As Is Reasonably Practicable Will Be

  • To Provide a Safe Place of Work.

  • To continue to identify and control hazards.

  • To prevent as far as is reasonably possible, any improper conduct or behaviour likely to put the Safety, Health & Welfare of employees at risk.

  • To consult with staff on all Health & Safety matters.

  • To provide protective clothing and equipment where necessary.

  • To provide a safe means of entering and leaving the building.

  • To provide a safe system of work practices.

  • To provide appropriate information and training to staff members on a continuous basis.

  • To provide appropriate information and training to staff members on a continuous basis.

  • To make Health & Safety a key issue.

Employee Responsibilities

As a valued employee of Spandan you have a responsibility to yourself and your fellow workers to carry out your work in a safe and considerate manner. Employees must

  • Co-Operate with the company in maintaining a safe work place.

  • Report any potential hazards to management and not work in any hazardous Conditions should they in the employee's opinion exist.

  • Be aware of the nearest emergency exists and fire fighting / first aid equipment.

  • Never interfere with or misuse anything provided by the company in the interests of Health & Safety.

  • Read the company Health & Safety statement and obey all mandatory signs.

  • Not partake in any form of horseplay or prank likely to lead to injury to you or others.

Manual Handling

Manual Handling is defined as the "transporting of a load by one or more employees and includes lifting, putting down, pushing, carrying or moving a load, which by reason of its characteristics or of unfavourable ergonomic conditions involves risks, particularly of back injury to employees".

This is a priority issue because it is a major cause of accidents in the workplace. It is Spandan' s policy to minimise the need for manual handling of loads and so therefore should be avoided as far as is reasonably practicable.

Employees must check the weight of the load before attempting to lift it and if the load is too heavy get help. When lifting, follow the following basic principles.

  • Relax the knees. Lowering movements should start at the knees not the head.

  • Get close to the object to be lifted. Get a good balance by keeping the feet apart. One foot will automatically be ahead of the other. When in position, bend the knees and lift with the strong muscles in the legs.

  • Lift gradually, smoothly and without jerking, keeping the object close to the body and the back straight.


The company is committed to consulting with its staff members regarding safety, health and welfare in the office. Staff is involved in the identification of hazards and are trained in dealing with the hazards identified.

The safety statement will be included in Induction Training and staff will be advised on how to deal with any problems that arise.

If You Hear The Alarm You Should
  • Switch off any equipment under your control and leave the building by the nearest fire exit.

  • Do not stop to collect personal belongings.

  • Once outside, do not enter the building until you are told it is safe to do so.

  • Management will on occasion perform fire drills to ensure that procedures are known and followed in the event of a real fire.

First Aid

First Aid boxes are provided to ensure that first aid supplies are easily accessible when required in an emergency. First Aid boxes are located at Spandan. They are to be checked weekly and shortages replaced. Employees have an obligation to ensure that First Aid Boxes, like any safety equipment, are not tampered with. Free access to First Aid Boxes must be maintained at all times. Painkillers cannot be provided in the First Aid Boxes.

Employer Responsibilities

The responsibility for the provision of a safe place of work rests with the Management of Spandan. Specifically these responsibilities are

  • To maintain a safe and healthy work environment for employees, in addition to conforming to all current statutory requirements.

  • To provide the appropriate type and level of training to enable employees perform their work safely and efficiently.

  • To make available to every employee appropriate equipment to ensure Health & Safety.

  • To maintain a vigilant and continuing interest in all Health & Safety matters relevant to both the company and staff.

Smoking/Alcohol And Drugs

It is not permissible to attend work under the influence of intoxicating liquor or drugs. The smoking of tobacco products is prohibited in the offices of Spandan. Smoking can take place outside the company building at least 3 metres distance away from door entrances and windows.

This smoking policy forms part of the overall Health & Safety Policy and any breach will be dealt with under the Company's disciplinary procedure.

Visitors, contractors and temporary members of staff are expected to abide by the terms of this policy.


The company is committed to identifying the safety training needs on an ongoing basis. Staff will be involved in the identification of hazards in the office and advised of the particular hazards pertaining to their area. Staff will be trained to respond to such hazards in order to prevent accidents/injury to themselves, their colleagues and clients.

All staff will be trained in emergency procedures and where appropriate, staff will be trained in the use of special machinery and equipment. All staff will be trained in the correct techniques involved in safe manual handling.

Reporting Of Accidents

The company is committed to consulting with its staff members regarding safety, health and welfare in the office. Staff is involved in the identification of hazards and are trained in dealing with the hazards identified.

The safety statement will be included in Induction Training and staff will be advised on how to deal with any problems that arise.

Staff are required to report all accidents and near misses, whether resulting in injury or not, to management. Under the Safety, Health & Welfare at Work General Application Regulations 1993, employers must report certain occurrences to the Health & Safety Authority and ensure records are kept on site for a period of 10 years.

The following details are required

  • Date, Time and Place of the incident.

  • Name, Address, Occupation and Age of the injured person.

  • Circumstances, including cause and nature of the injury and the arrangements made for its treatment.

All accidents will be investigated by a member of management and a written report prepared. Corrective action will be taken where necessary to avoid a recurrence. Accidents involving persons who are not members of staff but are visiting or working on the premises must also be reported.

Fire Procedures

In the event of a fire and providing there is no danger to the persons concerned every effort should be made to extinguish or contain the fire pending the arrival of the fire brigade. The magnitude of the outbreak must dictate whether attacking the fire should take priority over reporting and evacuation.

All staff should be familiar with the exit routes and should also know the location and type of fire extinguishers in the office.

If you discover a fire you should

  • Activate the fire alarm.

  • If there is a reasonable hope of extinguishing the blaze, attack the fire immediately.

  • Do not under any circumstances, expose yourself to danger.

  • Leave the building by the nearest fire exit and proceed to your designated assembly point.

Hazard Analysis

A hazard is anything at work that might cause harm e.g. Electricity, Hot Surfaces, Lifting Heavy Loads, Slippery Floors, and Poorly Lit Stairways etc. Staff must be aware of the potential hazards and risks involved and report specific hazards to management.

A hazard analysis will be carried out once a year by Management. Particular attention will be paid to areas of high risk i.e. Floors, Stairs and Manual Handling. The company will remove hazards by engineering means where necessary.

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